General QuestionAnswer
My AXSIS Scanner just arrived and I don't know what to do!

Proceed to the Installation Guide in the Knowledge Base

I can't find a certain cable or port!
If you are utilizing a stand/stanchion/junction box, the cables will be located inside. Unscrew the AXSIS Scanner from the stand, the cables will be attached to the AXSIS Scanner
My stand isn't tightening!

Occasionally, threads on the pole, nut and base may contain residual shavings from the manufacturing process. Before connection, check that the threads are free from debris and shavings to ensure a proper threaded fit.

Hardware Issues



Power Issues

  1. Ensure tight connections of ALL power cabling (AXSIS Scanner to power supply cable, power supply cable to power supply, power supply to outlet)
  2. Ensure the AXSIS Scanner is plugged directly into a standard 110V Outlet
  3. Do not plug the AXSIS Scanner into a surge protector or UPS
  4. Check the connectivity of the power supply – if the light window is not lit up green, it’s an indication that either the outlet has tripped/isn’t powered or that the power supply has failed. Try plugging into another outlet and check the green light window for illumination

Black Screen

  1. Unplug the AXSIS Scanner from the outlet
  2. Wait one minute
  3. Plug the AXSIS Scanner into the outlet
  4. Check the screen


If above steps do not fix the issue, continue onward:


  1. Check the power supply
  2. Make sure the green light on the power supply is lit
    1. If the green power supply light is not lit, check tight connections:
      1. From the power supply to the outlet
      2. From the cord to the power supply
      3. From the power supply to the AXSIS Scanner
      4. Try another outlet if this one doesn't work
      5. If all these steps fail, the power supply is bad, and the site will need another power supply shipped to them 
    2. If the green power supply light is lit
      1. Check the connection from the power supply to the AXSIS Scanner
      2. Tilt the screen back all the way
      3. Tilt the screen forward all the way
      4. Tilt the screen into position
      5. Unplug the AXSIS Scanner from the power supply
      6. Wait one minute
      7. Plug the AXSIS Scanner into the power supply
      8. Check the AXSIS Scanner
        1. If Black Screen, attempt to get a temperature read - did the large light above the screen light up red or green? Denote this and bring up to senior
      9. If all these steps fail, RMA the unit

Blank Screen (Camera portion doesn't show, but orange dotted box and white box are still visible)

  1. Unplug the AXSIS Scanner from the outlet
  2. Wait 30 seconds
  3. Plug the AXSIS Scanner into the outlet
  4. Check the screen


If the camera still doesn't come back on, follow the below steps:


  1. Tilt the screen back all the way
    1. Check the screen
  2. Tilt the screen forward all the way
    1. check the screen
  3. Tilt the screen into normal orientation
  4. Unplug the AXSIS Scanner from the power supply
  5. Wait one minute
  6. Plug the AXSIS Scanner into the power supply
  7. Check the AXSIS Scanner

If all the above steps fail, Contact us at 860-600-0336

Internet/Connectivity Issues

Affected Version(s)
Affected Version(s)
Cannot connect to EthernetAll

Check cable, internet,

Whitelist Following Domains/Ports:





XMPP Port TCP 5228

XMPP Port TCP 8086

HTTP Port TCP 80

HTTPS Port TCP 443

ICMP (Ping)

TCP 18991

Help setting up a Wi-Fi connectionAllContact Reality at 860-600-0336

Visual Issues



Frozen Screen

  1. Unplug the AXSIS Scanner from the outlet
  2. Wait 30 seconds
  3. Plug the AXSIS Scanner into the outlet
  4. Check the screen

White Box on screen when no one is in frame

  1. Unplug the AXSIS Scanner from the outlet
  2. Wait 30 seconds
  3. Plug the AXSIS Scanner into the outlet
  4. Check the screen

AXSIS Scanner takes a while to read temperature

  1. Ensure position of AXSIS Scanner is correct.
  2. Ensure position/orientation of IR Sensor is correct.
  3. Ensure no bright light is shining on the user or AXSIS Scanner
  4. Ensure body position is correct.
    1. Have user keep their chin up

White Loading (spinning) Circle

  1. Wait for temperature to be read (stay still)
  2. Ensure proper orientation of the AXSIS Scanner 
  3. Ensure position/orientation of IR Sensor is correct.
  4. Ensure body position is correct.

Blue Loading (spinning) Circle

Low Temperature readout:

  1. Ensure position of AXSIS Scanner is correct.
  2. Ensure position/orientation of IR Sensor is correct.
  3. Ensure body position is correct.
  4. Ensure no coverings/glasses/bangs
  5. Retake temperature
  6. Unplug the AXSIS Scanner from the outlet
  7. Wait 30 seconds
  8. Plug the AXSIS Scanner into the outlet
  9. Check the screen
  10. Try another user

Red Loading (spinning) Circle

High Temperature readout.

  1. Ensure position/orientation of IR Sensor is correct.
  2. Ensure body position is correct.
  3. Retake temperature
  4. Ensure no direct sunlight is near the AXSIS Scanner
  5. Ensure no hot items (steam pipes, hot coffee, etc.) are in view of the IR Sensor
  6. Try another user

Yellow / Green Spinning Circle

Send into Reality Interactive for repair

Not recognizing face

  1. Ensure position/orientation of IR Sensor is correct.
  2. Ensure body position is correct.
  3. Ensure mask does not cover eyes or bridge of nose
  4. Have person leave frame and reenter.
  5. Reboot device if needed
  6. Try another user

Temperature Reading is above 100.4 degrees / Below 96 degrees

AXSIS Scanner will not display a temperature over 104 degrees or under 96 degrees. Check scanner model – it will not be the AXSIS Scanner

Temperature Reading is lower than user anticipates

*A temperature reading of 96 degrees is normal, as the AXSIS Scanner is taking an average external temperature of the person's forehead. Internal temperatures are 98.6, but external temperatures may be a degree or two cooler.

Blank Screen (Camera issue)

See Blank Screen instructions above

White BitShuttle Logo Screen

AXSIS Scanner needs to have its software re-flashed. Retrieve software flashing USB-Key from Reality Interactive and follow USB-Key instructions at  

Orientation Issues

Screen Orientation is critical for AXSIS Scanner proper functionality


Proper Orientation

Standard AXSIS Scanner Height

Five feet from the floor to the bottom of the Screen.

A stepstool may be necessary for those shorter than 5’5”


Ensure the face is completely on screen, with the face slightly tilted up

The goal is to have the user’s head inside the orange box as close as possible, with the chin almost touching the bottom of the orange box and the top of the head almost touching the top of the box


No gators 

Ensure the Mask does not cover the eyes or bridge of the nose

If a mask is removed, do not place it atop their head or have it hung around their neck

Bald / Blonde

Decrease the ambient light. Washout may occur if the rooms light is too bright, or concentrated on the user, washing them out.


Lotion will also block a temperature reading


Bangs will block a temperature reading, push them aside

ADA (Wheelchair Accessibility)

  • The AXSIS Scanner is to be installed with the bottom of the screen to the floor measuring 36 inches (3 feet)